Li ! =)

Last weekend, me and Ingrid was in Li, to visit our family cabins. Both our families actually have neighbouring cabins (we got  there first, btw).

And well, anyway, heres some pictures of the view from the roof of our cabin.

_MG_1124 _MG_1119

And here’s my dad climing down from forementioned roof 😉_MG_1127

Aaaand heres Ingrid Throwing snow at the camera. Evil._MG_1135

Aaand now shes making snow angels

_MG_1143 _MG_1147

Aaand her brother, Isak is doing it wrong. Really wrong.


This is a family shot of Ingrid and her family. Minus their pet, Mathias._MG_1152

And lastly a shot of me and Ingrid. Shot by her little brother Isak. He performed better here than at the snow angel making. Luckily.


7 responses to “Li ! =)

  1. Pingback: Li ! =)

  2. Oj, hvilken del av Li? Faren min holder til i Nordli 🙂

  3. Jeg var der for første gang i høstferien i år ;p Ganske lang reisevei fra Oslo!

    • Nja, tar noen timer fra Oslo ja ! Men tipper du flyr til Trondheim når du drar oppover, så da har ikke jeg noe mye kortere vei 😛

  4. Løvsjølia, eller?

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